Self Assessment Test


Depression Test

1 / 21


2 / 21


3 / 21

Past Failure

4 / 21

Loss of Pleasure

5 / 21

Guilty Feelings

6 / 21

Punishment Feelings

7 / 21


8 / 21


9 / 21

Suicidal Thoughts or Wishes

10 / 21


11 / 21


12 / 21

Loss of Interest

13 / 21


14 / 21


15 / 21

Loss of Energy

16 / 21

Changes in Sleeping Pattern

17 / 21


18 / 21

Changes in Appetite

19 / 21

Concentration Difficulty

20 / 21

Tiredness or Fatigue

21 / 21

Loss of Interest in Sex

Your score is


Anxiety Test

1 / 14

Worries, anticipation of the worst, fearful anticipation

2 / 14

Feelings of tension, fatigability, startle response, moved to tears
easily, trembling, feelings of restlessness, inability to relax

3 / 14

Fear of dark, of strangers, of being left alone, of animals, of traffic, of crowds

4 / 14

Difficulty in falling asleep, broken sleep, unsatisfying sleep and fatigue on waking, dreams, nightmares

5 / 14

Difficulty in concentration, poor memory

6 / 14

Loss of interest & pleasure in activities, decreased energy & getting tired easily, depression

7 / 14

Pains and aches, increased muscle tension, stiffness, twitching, muscle jerks, grinding of teeth, unsteady voice

8 / 14

Ringing noise in ears, blurring of vision, hot and cold flushes, feelings of weakness, burning sensation

9 / 14

Increased heart rate, palpitations, pain in chest, throbbing of blood vessels, fainting feelings

10 / 14

Pressure or constriction in chest, choking feelings, sighing, difficulty breathing, over breathing

11 / 14

Difficulty in swallowing, nausea, abdominal fullness, abdominal pain, wind, looseness of bowels, constipation

12 / 14

Urgency to urinate, premature ejaculation, loss of libido, impotence

13 / 14

Dry mouth, flushing, pallor, tendency to sweat, giddiness, tension headache, raising of hair

14 / 14

Irritability - Easily getting annoyed, loosing temper, anger outbursts

Your score is


OCD Test

1 / 20

Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind,

Disgust with bodily waste (e.g., urine, faeces, saliva), Concerns with contamination (dirt, germs) or acquiring a serious illness such as AIDS?

2 / 20

Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind,

Over concern with keeping objects (clothing, groceries, tools) in perfect order or arranged exactly?

3 / 20

Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind,

Need to know or remember, Fear of- saying certain things/not saying just the right thing/losing things?

4 / 20

Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind,

Images of death or other horrible events?

5 / 20

Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind,

Personally unacceptable religious or sexual thoughts?

6 / 20

Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as...

Fire, burglary, or flooding the house?

7 / 20

Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as...

Accidentally hitting a pedestrian with your car, or letting your call roll down the hill?

8 / 20

Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as...

Fear that you may Spread an illness?

9 / 20

Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as...

Harm coming to a loved one because you weren’t careful enough?

10 / 20

Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as...

Fear might harm self/others, Violent or horrific images, Fear of blurting out obscenities or insults, Fear of doing something else embarrassing?

11 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Excessive or ritualized washing, cleaning, or grooming?

12 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Checking light switches, water taps, the stove, door locks?

13 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Counting; arranging; evening-up behaviors (making sure things are placed symmetrically)?

14 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Collecting useless objects, piling up old newspapers or inspecting the garbage before it is thrown out?

15 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Repeating routine actions (in/out of chair, going through doorway, walking) a certain number of times or until it feels just right?

16 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Need to touch objects or people?

17 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Unnecessary re-reading or re-writing; newspapers/letters?

18 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Examining your body for signs of illness?

19 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Avoiding colours (“red” means blood), numbers (l3) that are associated with dreaded events or unpleasant thoughts?

20 / 20

Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as...

Needing to “confess” or repeatedly asking for reassurance that you said or did something correctly?

Your score is



1 / 23

Trauma/ very stressful experience

Have you ever experienced, witnessed, or been repeatedly confronted with- Serious life threatening illness/Physical Assault/Sexual Assault/Any Accidents/ Natural Disasters/ Child Abuse/ any other Trauma or learnt about the same your relative or close friend had experienced

2 / 23

Unwanted upsetting memories about the trauma

3 / 23

Bad dreams or nightmares related to the trauma

4 / 23

Reliving the traumatic event or feeling as if it were actually happening again

5 / 23

Feeling very EMOTIONALLY upset when reminded of the trauma

6 / 23

Having PHYSICAL reactions when reminded of the trauma (for example, sweating, heart racing)

7 / 23

Trying to avoid thoughts or feelings related to the trauma

8 / 23

Trying to avoid activities, situations, or places that remind you of the trauma or that feel more dangerous since the trauma

9 / 23

Not being able to remember important parts of the trauma

10 / 23

Seeing yourself, others, or the world in a more negative way (for example ”I can’t trust people,” “I’m a weak person”)

11 / 23

Blaming yourself or others (besides the person who hurt you) for what happened

12 / 23

Having intense negative feelings like fear, horror, anger, guilt or shame

13 / 23

Losing interest or not participating in activities you used to do

14 / 23

Feeling distant or cut off from others

15 / 23

Having difficulty experiencing positive feelings

16 / 23

Acting more irritable or aggressive with others

17 / 23

Taking more risks or doing things that might cause you or others harm (for example, driving recklessly, taking drugs, having unprotected sex)

18 / 23

Being overly alert or on-guard (for example, checking to see who is around you, being uncomfortable with your back to a door)

19 / 23

Being jumpy or more easily startled (for example when someone walks up behind you)

20 / 23

Having trouble concentrating

21 / 23

Having trouble falling or staying asleep

22 / 23

How much have these difficulties been bothering you?

23 / 23

How much have these difficulties been interfering with your everyday life (for example relationships, work, or other important activities)?

Your score is



1 / 20

How often do you have difficulty sustaining your attention during lectures, lengthy reading, conversations etc ?

2 / 20

How often are you easily distracted by something in your environment or unrelated thoughts?

3 / 20

How often do you avoid, dislike, or are reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort ?

4 / 20

How often do you have trouble listening to someone, even when they are speaking directly to you- like your mind is somewhere else?

5 / 20

How often do you have difficulty in organizing an activity or task (e.g., poor time management, fails to meet deadlines, difficulty managing sequential tasks)?

6 / 20

How often do you fail to give close attention to details, or make careless mistakes in things such as schoolwork, at work, or during other activities?

7 / 20

How often do you forget to do something you do all the time, such as missing an appointment or paying a bill?

8 / 20

How often do you lose or misplace something (e.g., your phone, eyeglasses, paperwork, wallet, keys, etc.)?

9 / 20

How often do you have trouble following through on instructions or that you start a task but quickly lose focus and are easily side-tracked)?

10 / 20

How often are you unable to play or engage in leisurely activities quietly?

11 / 20

How often do you have difficulty waiting your turn, such as while waiting in line?

12 / 20

How often do you feel like you're unable to be or uncomfortable being still for an extended period of time?

13 / 20

How often do you leave your seat in situations when remaining seated is expected?

14 / 20

How often do you blurt out an answer before a question has been completed (e.g., completing another person's sentence or can't wait your turn in a conversation)?

15 / 20

How often do you feel restless -- like you want to get out and do something?

16 / 20

How often do you fidget with or tap your hands or feet, or squirm in your seat?

17 / 20

How often do find yourself talking excessively?

18 / 20

How often do you interrupt or intrude on others, such as butting into their conversation or taking over what others are doing?

19 / 20

Were several of the symptoms present prior to age 12?

20 / 20

Do the symptoms appear in at least two or more settings (e.g., at home and school)?

Your score is


Autism Test

1 / 15

Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity

abnormal social approach and failure of normal back-and-forth conversation

2 / 15

Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity

reduced sharing of interests, emotions, and affect

3 / 15

Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity

failure to initiate or respond to social interactions

4 / 15

Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction

poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication

5 / 15

Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction

abnormalities in eye contact and body language or deficits in understanding and use of gestures

6 / 15

Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction

total lack of facial expressions and nonverbal communication

7 / 15

Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships

difficulties adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts

8 / 15

Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships

difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making friends

9 / 15

Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships

absence of interest in peers

10 / 15

Stereotyped or repetitive body movements

hand flapping, waving, or rotating

11 / 15

Stereotyped or repetitive use of objects

lining up toys or flipping objects

12 / 15

Stereotyped or repetitive speech

repetition of another person's spoken words, idiosyncratic phrases

13 / 15

Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns or verbal-nonverbal behavior

extreme distress at small changes, difficulties with transitions, rigid thinking patterns, need to take same route or eat food every day

14 / 15

Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus

strong attachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interest

15 / 15

Hyper or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interests in sensory aspects of the environment

apparent indifference to pain/temperature, adverse response to specific sounds or textures, excessive smelling or touching of objects, visual fascination with lights or movement

Your score is


Alcohol Addiction Test

1 / 10

How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?

2 / 10

How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?

3 / 10

How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?

4 / 10

How often during the last year did you find that you were not able to stop drinking once you started?

5 / 10

How often during the last year did you fail to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking?

6 / 10

How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going?

7 / 10

How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?

8 / 10

How often during the last year were you unable to remember what happened the night before?

9 / 10

Have you or someone else been injured because of your drinking?

10 / 10

Has a relative, friend or doctor been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?

Your score is


Borderline Personality Test

1 / 20

Tendency to act impulsively without consideration of the consequences

2 / 20

Pervasive and excessive instability of emotions

3 / 20

The ability to plan ahead is minimal

4 / 20

Outbursts of intense anger/ Violence or "behavioural explosions" particularly in response to criticism by others

5 / 20

Unstable self-image

6 / 20

Unstable interpersonal relationships

7 / 20

Unclear or disturbed Aims

8 / 20

Unclear or disturbed internal preferences (including sexual)

9 / 20

Chronic feelings of emptiness

10 / 20

Getting involved in intense and unstable relationships, which may cause repeated emotional crises

11 / 20

Excessive efforts to avoid abandonment

12 / 20

Recurrent suicidal threats, gestures or acts of self-harm or self-mutilating behavious

13 / 20

Impulsivity in spending

14 / 20

Impulsivity in sex

15 / 20

Impulsivity in substance abuse/binge eating/reckless driving

16 / 20

Stress related, transient suspiciousness

17 / 20

Stress related transient loss of awareness/memory/behavioural change

18 / 20

Feeling more secure with nonhuman objects (pets, inanimate objects) than in interpersonal relationships

19 / 20

Frequent job losses, interrupted education, broken marriages

20 / 20

Substance use- Alcohol/Nicotine/Cannabis/MDMA/Drugs

Your score is


Obsessive Compulsive Personality Test

1 / 15

Feelings of excessive doubt and caution

2 / 15

Preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, procedures, organization, or schedules to the extent that the major point of activity is lost

3 / 15

Perfectionism that interferes with task completion

4 / 15

Excessive conscientiousness, scrupulousness and inflexibility about matters of morality, ethics, or values

5 / 15

Excessive concern with minor details and rules and adherence to social conventions

6 / 15

Rigidity and stubbornness

7 / 15

Unreasonable insistence that others submit to exactly his or her way of doing things, or unreasonable reluctance to allow others to do things

8 / 15

Intrusion of insistent and unwelcome thoughts or impulses

9 / 15

Excessive devotion to work and productivity to the exclusion of leisure activities and friendships (not accounted for obvious economic necessity)

10 / 15

Inability to discard worn off or worthless objects with no sentimental value

11 / 15

Stinginess (money viewed as something to be hoarded for future catastrophes)

12 / 15

Decision-making difficulties when no strict rules or established procedures dictate correct action

13 / 15

Anger and frustration when not able to maintain control of physical or interpersonal environment (anger typically not expressed directly)

14 / 15

Excessive attentiveness to their relative status in dominance– submission relationships

15 / 15

Controlled and restricted emotional expression, reserved personal style Formal and serious quality of everyday relationships

Your score is


Schizophrenia Test

1 / 20

Patient can hear his own thoughts spoken aloud

2 / 20

Patient feels that some thoughts are not his own, but rather belong to someone else and have been inserted into his mind

3 / 20

Feeling that thoughts have been 'taken out' of patient's mind, and he has no power over this. (may experience a break in the flow of thoughts.. believing that the missing thoughts have been withdrawn from his mind by some outside agency)

4 / 20

Patient feels others can hear or are aware of his thoughts. (Patient's thoughts are being broadcast through different medias, such as the television or the radio)

5 / 20

Feeling that another person, group of people, or external force controls one's thoughts, feelings, impulses, or behaviors.

6 / 20

Patient feels that other people or external agents are covertly exerting powers over him & can control his body or limb movements

7 / 20

Patient feels that other people or external agents can cause specific sensations in his body

8 / 20

Patient saw something which may seem very ordinary to others; but is a special sign for him which has a private and important meaning.

9 / 20

Patient can hear voices discussing about him or can hear a running commentary about what he is doing

10 / 20

Patient can hear voices coming from inside his body

11 / 20

Patient feels he has superhuman powers like being able to control the weather or can communicate with aliens or have religious or political power

12 / 20

Patient has breaks in the train of thought, resulting in incoherence or irrelevant speech, or may use a newly coined word

13 / 20

Patient has abnormal excitement or may mimick sounds or may mimick others movements.

14 / 20

Patient may maintain an abnormal posture for a long time or may react very little to what's happening around him

15 / 20

If another person moves patient's limbs and body to an abnormal position, he will maintain it.

16 / 20

Patient may resist being moved or may resist being helped to perform self care activities like bathing.

17 / 20

Patient shows paucity of speech, incongruity of emotional responses, Loss of interest, aimlessness, idleness, a self-absorbed attitude, Social withdrawal, lowering of social performance.

18 / 20

Suspiciousness that others are trying to harm him/ plotting against him/ trying to poison him/ are watching/ spying/ tracking him

19 / 20

Suspicious that others are talking ill about him/ events happening around him have a personal meaning

20 / 20

Patient can hear voices talking directly to him.

Your score is


Mania Test

1 / 11

Elevated Mood

2 / 11

Increased Activity-Energy

3 / 11

Sexual Interest

4 / 11


5 / 11

Irritability & Anger

6 / 11

Speech (Speed and Amount)

7 / 11

Language-Thought Disorder

8 / 11

Content of thought

9 / 11

Disruptive-Aggressive Behavior

10 / 11


11 / 11


Your score is


Dementia Test

1 / 30

Recognizing/ Remembering the faces & names of family and friends

2 / 30

Fear of being left alone (patient must see the caregiver at all times)

3 / 30

Remembering things about family and friends e.g. occupations, birthdays, addresses

4 / 30

Remembering things that have happened recently

5 / 30

Recalling conversations a few days later

6 / 30

Forgetting what he/she wanted to say in the middle of a conversation

7 / 30

Sleep & Appetite

8 / 30

Remembering what day and month it is

9 / 30

Remembering where things are usually kept

10 / 30

Repetitive purposeless activity like- packing and unpacking clothing/ putting on and removing clothing

11 / 30

Wandering away from home

12 / 30

Knowing how to work familiar machines & Learning to use a new gadget or machine

13 / 30

Saying 'this is not my home' & 'take me home'

14 / 30

Saying spouse or caregiver is an imposter

15 / 30

Handling financial matters

16 / 30

Handling everyday arithmetic problems, e.g. knowing how much food to buy, how much food to cook

17 / 30

Word finding difficulty- difficulty in retrieving a word which the person knows & using it in their speech.

18 / 30

Lack of clarity, difficulty in making oneself understood while speaking

19 / 30

The person's ability to understand spoken language

20 / 30

How's the concentration? (is the person able to concentrate when someting is spoken to him)

21 / 30

Wayfinding difficulty (eg: going to bathroom or forgetting the way back to home)

22 / 30

Preparing food, Eating, Drinking, Dressing, Grooming, Toileting, Brushing teeth

23 / 30

Repetitive sentences or questions, Complaining, Negativism , Constant unwarranted request for attention or help

24 / 30

Does the patient have false beliefs, such as thinking that others are stealing from him/her or planning to harm him/her in some way?

25 / 30

Does the patient seem to hear or see things that are not present?

26 / 30

Sadness, worries, irritability, anger outbursts, hitting or hurting self or others

27 / 30

Does the patient seem less interested in his usual activities than before?

28 / 30

Pacing, aimless wandering, General restlessness, hiding/hoarding things, repetitive mannerisms

29 / 30

Screaming, Cursing or verbal aggression, Making verbal sexual advances

30 / 30

Quality of life of patient & Care-giver burden (stress on caregiver due to patient's illness)

Your score is

* Self Assessment Tests are not a substitute for clinical evaluation done by a Psychiatrist.

* Self Assessment Tests are intended for screening for disorders & for monitoring treatment progress.